ANCHOR. Name: top

Pigmentary Uveitis

Golden Retriever Pigmentary Uveitis (GRPU) is an important eye condition that veterinarians and practitioners should be well-versed in. This condition, while insidious in its onset, can lead to severe complications if not detected early. GRPU is now recognized as a significant hereditary disorder in Golden Retrievers, and it's crucial to acknowledge that affected dogs may not manifest symptoms until after their breeding years. As a result, the current recommendation is to conduct annual eye checks throughout a Golden Retriever's lifetime. This proactive approach to screening can play a pivotal role in preventing the onset of glaucoma and averting potential vision loss in these beloved pets. Staying vigilant and informed about GRPU can significantly contribute to the overall well-being and quality of life for Golden Retrievers.

ANCHOR. Name: webinar

Pigmentary Uveitis Webinar

  • Golden Retrievers develop an eye condition that practitioners should know about – Golden Retriever Pigmentary Uveitis (GRPU). This condition has an insidious onset, but early detection can be a key to avoiding glaucoma and vision loss.  Wendy Townsend DVM, MS, DACVO provides helpful information to help everyone better understand this condition.

    The webinar will be available for viewing for 2 years at: Golden Retriever Pigmentary Uveitis

    Watch the webinar and learn about risk factors, how to recognize signs of GRPU on an ocular examination, keys to making a clinical diagnosis, treatment options, and breeding advice.

    Running time: 53 mins plus 11 mins of Q&A

    The Golden Retriever Foundation ® provided the funding to make this webinar available to anyone interested and for veterinarians and veterinary technicians to obtain 1 hour of CE credit by AAVSB RACE, NY State, and the NJVMA for veterinarians and veterinary technicians


ANCHOR. Name: registration

OFA registration- Free for Seniors

  • With the designation of Pigmentary Uveitis (PU) as a very serious hereditary disorder in Golden Retrievers and the realization that most dogs with this serious condition will not present with the disease until after many are no longer being bred, the recommendation is to check dogs annually for life. Additionally, since PU is such a serious and painful disease, we want to encourage everyone with older dogs to get them checked even if they have never been used in a breeding program. Paying for the OFA registration is our way to encourage and support this effort. It is understood that all dogs will be included in the public database, so the owner must agree to result being published. Let's all work together to help reduce the occurrence of this painful eye disease.

    When you submit your eye clearance to OFA, the date of birth will exempt the senior from the registration fee.  OFA does not require eye vouchers for seniors.

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